Women at the ICP

11 Feb 2020
766 times

On the occasion of International Women's and Girl's Day in Science, which is celebrated on February 11, the women working at the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) explain their jobs.

Xènia Aymerich. Head of the Conservation and Preparation Area. My work at ICP is to coordinate the paleontological preparation and conservation tasks that we carry out in our laboratory. I find it exciting to work with so many different fossils and to work closely with all of our research groups. I really enjoy my job!
Teresa Calderón. Predoctoral researcher at the Evolutionary Paleobiology Research Area. My research project focuses on the histological study of postcranial and dental elements in order to better understand life history strategies, in other words the events related to survival and reproduction of an animal from birth to death. I compare it with fossil remains to make inferences about the life of extinct species.
Mònica Cucurella. Recepcionist at the Museum Area. My work at the ICP Museum is as a concierge, I am always at the front desk supporting visitors, attending the phone and selling tickets and shop products. I also send emails to families who sign up for the family activities and guided tours.
Teresa Esquirol. Head of the Museum Area. My job is to organize and program the school and family activities offered at the museum and to keep the track of it. I am also responsible for the recepcionist staff and the store management. I'm also in charge of the exhibitions and the day-to-day management of the museum. I like my job, it is always different and also a way of helping to spread science in society.
Sílvia Jovells. Predoctoral researcher at the Cenozoic Research Area. At he ICP I'm doing my doctoral thesis in order to achieve my PhD. My work is mainly focused on the study of fossil rodents, with particular emphasis on hamsters. I combine office work with the paleontological excavations organized in the center.
Judit Marigó. Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cenozoic Research Area. I'm devoted to research and, in particular, focused on the first known primates and how they lived (what they ate, how they moved ...). We, humans, are primates, and that's why the evolution of our lineage is so interesting to us. Usually, we use fossils to adress these questions, along with computer programs that allow us to apply the latest techniques to solve the riddles that we are dealing with.
Sharrah Mckenzie. Predoctoral Researcher at the Cenozoic Research Area. I'm in the Paleobiodiversity and Phylogeny Research Group and I'm Treballo en el grup de recerca en Paleobiodiversitat i Filogènia and, at this moment, I am focused on studying the various taxa of suids (the group to which domestic pigs and wild boars, facocoats, etc.) that lived in the Iberian Peninsula during the Miocene, between 23 and 5 million years ago.
Marina Rull. Preparator at the Conservation and Preparation Area. My main taks I to prepare the fossils to facilitate the research tasks being done at the Institute. I also make reproductions of the most interesting fossils for research groups in other parts of the world. To take care of the conservation of this heritage is very interesting!
Mónica Vincent. Administrative Officer at the Human Resources and Management Area. My job at ICP is to support the financial department, organize the budgets of research and non-research staff in order to provide financial justifications for competitive projects. I'm also responsible for purchasing, contact suppliers and arrange training sessions on labor risks, etc.


Last modified on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 14:32
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