Scientific and technical services

08 May 2024
630 times

The ICP has 3 major scientific-technical services, which provide service to institutions or external users promoting, in this way, the transfer of technology and knowledge in fields such as research, conservation, and dissemination of paleontology and cultural heritage.

Details about the rates of the provided services can be found in the following document.

Preparation and Conservation. This service focuses on the preparation/restoration and conservation of materials from paleontological sites and collections, as well as other materials such as archaeological, taxidermic, collections preserved in fluids; in addition to offering preventive conservation services and creating replicas for dissemination.

The team has participated in numerous projects, restoring and preparing materials for both research and conservation, as well as for exhibitions and outreach activities. Additionally, the ICP has two preparation-conservation laboratories, being two of the largest and best-equipped in the entire Spanish state.

Fieldwork and Collections. This service encompasses the intervention and documentation of sites and fossils. The ICP has a specialized and reference team, both within and outside Catalonia, for its experience in paleontological heritage. It offers services in paleontological interventions, to both public and private promoters, ranging from report writing, preventive and emergency paleontological controls and dealings with the administration, as well as others such as inventory creation to fossil and site dating, ensuring their preservation and dissemination.

Support in collections and museum management. The ICP collection is one of the most outstanding in Europe. The team consists of expert conservators who manage each step comprehensively, from the entry and cataloging of new specimens to their packaging, storage, and controlled lending. Accessing the ICP collection not only benefits paleontological research but also offers opportunities for knowledge dissemination and scientific exchange with other institutions.

Paleohistology Service. This service deals with the preparation of thin sections for the study of microscopic characteristics of bones and teeth of fossil and current animals, through the preparation of current anatomical elements prior to section preparation. These thin sections can be used in the following fields: Histology, Paleontology, Petrography, Optical Mineralogy, and Archaeology.

3D Virtual Lab. The ICP offers a service with the main digitization tools using state-of-the-art laser and photogrammetric techniques. It also provides image processing, 3D modeling, and object printing services. The team has extensive experience in these techniques, both in the medical and industrial worlds, highlighting their application in the field of cultural heritage.

Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2024 14:55
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