Evolutionary Paleobiology Area

13 Feb 2015
5298 times

This area is dedicated to the study of the patterns and causes of evolutionary change and extinction by combining fossil evidence with the biology of living organisms. It emphasizes the evolution of life history under different ecological conditions from an adaptive perspective, based on the paleohistological study of hard tissues, within the analytical framework provided by the evolutionary theory of life history (ecology, demography, physiology, and adaptation).

This area also includes computational approaches aimed at obtaining paleobiological and evolutionary data of extinct organisms through a wide range of computational methods, from digital 3D visualization techniques to biomechanical morphofunctional approaches, as well as paleogenomic and paleoproteomic techniques to recover molecular information from fossil remains.

Research Area in Evolutionary Paleobiology

Dr. Josep Fortuny (Head of Research Area and ‘Ramón y Cajal’ Researcher)

Research Group in Computational Biomechanics and Life History Evolution:

  • Dr. Josep Fortuny (Junior Group Leader and ‘Ramón y Cajal’ Researcher,
  • Dr. Josep Quintana Cardona (Researcher, R3).
  • Dra. Carmen Nacarino-Meneses (‘Beatriu de Pinós’ Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. David P. Groenewald (Postdoctoral MSCA Researcher, R2).
  • Chabier De Jaime-Soguero (PhD Student, R1).
  • Dr. Alejandro Serrano-Martínez (3D Technician).
  • Manuel Fernández (Laboratory Technician).
  • Laia Garcia-Escolà (Laboratory Technician ‘Investigo’ and PhD Student, R1).
  • Prof. Meike Köhler (Emeritus Researcher, R4).
  • Dr. Jordi Marcé-Nogué (Associate Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. Eudald Mujal (Associate Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. Borja Holgado (Associate Researcher, R2).
  • Dr. Rafel Matamales-Andreu (Associate Researcher, R2).
  • Dra. Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno (Collaborator, R2).
  • Dr. Jordi Pérez-Cano (Collaborator, R2).
  • Joan Cartanyà (Collaborator, R1).
  • Sergio Llácer (Collaborator, R1).

Research Group in Paleogenomics and Paleoproteomics:

  • Prof. Tomàs Marquès-Bonet (Senior Research Group Leader affiliated with UPF-ICREA, R4).
  • Dra. Esther Lizano (Distinguished Researcher, R3*).


Last modified on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 07:22
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