Where are we

18 Feb 2015
7733 times

Headquarters at UAB:

You can find here the institute Direction and Management, the departments of Communication, Management of the Deposit and Projects; and the research groups in Paleoprimatology and Human Paleontology, Paleobiology and Neogene and Quaternary Faunas

Z Building
c/ de les Columnes, s/n.
Campus de la UAB.
08193 – Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona.

Telephones: 93 586 87 65



Headquarters at Sabadell, l'Espai Miquel Crusafont:

You can find here the departments of Management of the Collection and the ICP Archive, which hosts the Archive of Dr Miquel Crusafont; the ICP Museum; and the research group of Mesozoic.

Address: c/ Escola industrial, 23 · 08201- Sabadell, Vallès Occidental
Telephones: 93 726 17 69 / 93 726 63 88 · Fax: 93 712 14 21

Last modified on Monday, 15 February 2016 16:47
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