I Iberian Symposium on Geometric Morphometrics

02 Mar 2015
3172 times

Our symposium is organized with the aim of allowing the debate about the uses and progresses in geometric morphometrics by any practitioner of the field. During the meeting the attendants will have the opportunity to present their own work, to enjoy numerous talks and discuss with other researchers. The principal aim of this meeting is to get all researchers interested in this technique together in order to open a window for discussion, help, and hopefully future collaborations.
In addition, an introductory course will be held the days previous to the conference (20‐21 July). The places will be limited and acceptance will be determined by strict pre‐inscription order. If you want to receive more information about this course and the pre‐inscription form, please contact us at this e‐mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Date and site

Date: July 23rd‐25th 2009

Site: Sabadell (Barcelona

Sabadell is a one of the main cities of Catalonia, located at slightly more than 20 km to the north‐west
of Barcelona. It is easily accessible from Barcelona‐El Prat airport and is very
well connected to Barcelona by train and road. The conference will be held in
the Caixa d’Estalvis de Sabadell Auditorium, a beautiful modernista building of
1915 (C/ d´En Font Nº 1. Sabadell. 08201).



Provisional Program (All activities will be held in the Caixa d’Estalvis de Sabadell Auditorium)

Thursday July 23rd 2009

18.00 h 
Conference Registration 
19.00 h
Ice breaker

Friday July 24th 2009

9.00 h Welcome addressed by Dr. Moyà‐Solà (Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont)
9.30 h Plenary lecture by Dr. Dennis Slice (Department of scientific Computing, University of Florida, USA)
10.30 h Coffee break
11.00 h Oral presentations session
13.00 h Lunch
15.00 h Oral presentations session
16.30 h Coffee break
17.00 h Posters session 
19.00 h Plenary lecture by Dr. Paul O´Higgins (Functional morphology and Evolution Research Unit, Hull Medical School)

Saturday July 25th 2009

9.30 h 
Plenary lecture by Dr.Christian P. Klingenberg (School of Biological sciences, University of Manchester, UK) 
10.30 h Coffee break
11.00 h Oral presentations session
13.00 h Lunch
15.00 h Oral presentations session
16.00 h Coffee break
16.30 h Oral presentations session
17.30 h Round table
19.00 h Closing ceremony
21.00 h Conference dinner




Soledad De Esteban Trivigno (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Jesús Marugán Lobón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Markus Bastir (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC)

Organizing Committee

Meike Köhler (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Salvador Moyà‐Solà (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Isaac Casanovas Vilar (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Judit Marigó Cortés (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Rubén García Martínez (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Josep Fortuny (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Sergio Almécija (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Carlos Martínez‐Pérez (Universitat de València)

Scientific Committee

Christian Klingenberg (University of Manchester)
F. James Rohlf (State University of New York)
Angela Buscalioni (UAM)
Jesús Marugán Lobón (UAM)
Antonio Rosas (MNCN‐CSIC)
Markus Bastir (MNCN‐CSIC)
Diego Rasskin‐Gutman (UV)
Isaac Casanovas Vilar (Institut Català de Paleontologia)
Luis Azevedo Rodrigues (Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira ‐ Torres Vedras)
Emiliano Bruner (CENIEH)
Paul O’Higgins (Hull‐York Medical School)



A proceedings volume of the congress will be published and will be available to the attendants to the meeting.

The deadline for contributors to submit an abstract is May 1st, 2009. Abstracts should be submitted in its electronic format to this e‐mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Author guidelines

The abstract should not exceed two pages (less than 1000 words, with references included). The main text should be written in Times New Roman at 11pp, double‐spaced and justified. Genera and species names must be in italics. The text must be preceded by the title, author(s) of the work and their affiliation(s) and contact address(es) using the following format:

Title: Must be in capital letters and centered and should not have more than 150 characters spaces included.
Author(s): Must be in lower case‐letters and centered.
Affiliation(s) and address(es): They should be numbered following authorship order and indicated next to the name of each author using a superindex. The center of affiliation and the address will be aligned to the left preceded by the number in brackets. Full postal addresses must be given for all authors. Next to the postal address the authors must include their contact e‐mail.
Example: (1) Institut Català de Paleontologia. C/ Escola Industrial, 23. 08201 Sabadell (Spain). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
References: A reference list including all and only these references cited in the text must be included following the main text. Authors are encouraged to keep the references to a minimum. References must be prepared according to the following format:

  1. Papers written by just one author [Ex. (Pérez, 2006)]; two authors [Ex. (Pérez & Martínez, 2006)]; three authors or more [Ex. (Pérez et al., 2006)].
  2. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also mentioned with co‐authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged according to publication year ‐ publications of the same author with one co‐author, arranged according to publication year ‐ publications of the author with more than one co‐author, arranged according to publication year. If two publications of one author of the same year are to be listed they should be arranged according to citation in the text and the year should include correlative letters according to this order [Ex. (Pérez, 2006a) ; (Pérez, 2006b].
  3. The following system should be used for arranging references in the reference list:
    1. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue number): first and last page numbers of the paper
    2. Monographs and books: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph or book.
      Publisher, location of publisher.
    3. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the paper. Names and initials of the volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
    4. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the paper. Name of the conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
    5. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the item. All other relevant information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).

Figures: The author(s) may include one single figure, either a picture or graph. Black and white or grayscale figures should be sent in jpg. or tiff. format with a minimum resolution of 600 pp. Color figures are not allowed.
Tables: The author(s) may include one single table only if it is less than one page in length and the abstract does not contain any figure.


Travels and Accomodation

Arriving to Barcelona

By train: The main station is “Barcelona Sants” where several international trains arrive. From this station you can take a train directly to Sabadell (see below).

By plane: Barcelona –El Prat Airport is an international airport well connected by train, bus (called Aerobus) and taxi. The airport is close to Barcelona city and we recommend going to Barcelona City by aerobus (you should get off at “Plaça Catalunya”) or by train (getting off at “Barcelona Sants”). Aerobus have got a high frequency and good service.

From Barcelona to Sabadell:

From “Barcelona Sants” station to Sabadell: in working days, trains from Barcelona Sants to Sabadell have a frequency of 15 minutes. Take the C4 line of Renfe Cercanías destination “Manresa” or “Terrassa”, and after 36 minutes get off at “Sabadell Centre”. “Sabadell Centre” station is very close to the center of Sabadell and easily you can easily find the town hall as reference point.
More information about “Renfe Cercanías” in: http://www.renfe.es/cercanias/barcelona/index.html.

From “Plaça Catalunya” station to Sabadell: you can take the “Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat” to Sabadell (Sabadell Rambla station). Take S2 line headed to Sabadell Rambla station and get off the train in the last station (Sabadell Rambla station). S2 line has a frequency of 10 minutes, and is our recommended alternative.
More information about “Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat”: http://www.fgc.cat/eng/index.asp

Arriving to Sabadell by car: Sabadell is placed about 20 km from Barcelona. If you come from the west (i.e.Madrid), take the motorway “Zaragoza‐Barcelona” called AP‐2. You have to follow this motorway until “Vilafranca del Penedes” town where you connect to the motorway called “AP‐7”. Follow direction “Girona” until exit 21 called “B‐30 Cerdanyola C‐58  Barcelona Sabadell Manresa”. After that, follow by the road called C‐58 and take the exit 12 called “Sabadell Centre Nord / Sant Quirze del Vallés Sud‐Centre”. You have to pass across “Sant Quirze del Vallés” town and entering the city of Sabadell following the direction “Sabadell Centre”. You will find the council and the church following this direction. These two emplacements are very close of the Auditorium.
If you come from the north (i.e. Pyrenees). Pass across the border by “La Jonquera” to enter Catalonia. Take the motorway AP7 and follow this motorway until exit 20 called “C‐58 Sabadell Manresa”. And follow all the signs to the road “C‐58 Sabadell” until exit 12 called “Sabadell centre‐Nord / Sant Quirze del Vallès Sud4 Centre”. You have to pass across “Sant Quirze del Vallés” town and entering the city of Sabadell following the direction “Sabadell Centre”. You will find the council and the church following this direction. These two emplacements are very close to the Auditorium.


Hotel Urpi ***

Hotel Urpí offers to the attendants of the symposium a reduced price if booking early (50 € per night and
person, plus 10 € if you want continental breakfast). If you want to have access to this reduced price you must
make your reservation by phone (34 93 7235419) or e‐mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) making clear that you
are attending to the “I Iberian Symposium on Geometric Morphometrics” and the reduced fare (50 €/night).

Hotel Arrahona***

A good 3*** hotel is located in a peaceful neighbourhood with a good connections to Barcelona. The hotel
offers 49 rooms, 39 apartments, bar, restaurant, parking and a shopping centre in the same building.

Hotel Catalonia Sabadell ****

A nice 4**** hotel in an unusual building of modern style, providing every comfort and service according to its
category. Hotel Catalonia Sabadell is located in the best district of Sabadell. It is surrounded by a huge park. It
is located in the Catalunya square, close to the Congress palace and de business district.


Last modified on Monday, 02 March 2015 12:07
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