3D Virtual Lab

29 Mar 2016
3734 times

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The 3D Virtual Lab is located in the center of Sabadell in the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont’s building. Our aim to make it available for organizations that requires a specialized technical team for the digitization of all kinds of items. The 3D Lab is equipped with the main tools for scanning and cover extensively the needs of any customer.


Service of image processing and CAD

Once the images have been acquired using the computed tomography equipment, the laboratory provides the customer the service image processing and 3D objects (CAD) modelling.

Due to the 3D Virtual Lab staff’s experience in processing and interpretation of tomographic images combined with powerful workstations, the customer will obtain a high-resolution three-dimensional image of the sample analyzed.


Laser and photogrammetric scanning

The Next Engine Laser allows to scan samples of medium size (with a range of few centimetres to half a meter length) to obtain high-resolution models of the sample. The photogrammetrical digitalization can get the geometric properties of the object studied from photographs. The models obtained from these techniques can later be edited using CAD software to confer mesh and texture features.


3D object printing service

The high resolution Rapid Prototyping allows us to print objects in three dimensions, obtained from CAD software or from digitization. The printed sample is made ​​of plastic material with a resistance similar to that of ceramic.



The 3D Virtual Lab staff has extensive experience in the field of objects digitization, and has worked for several years using radiographic and tomographic techniques in both the medical and the industrial world.  We are pioneers in the use of photogrammetric and laser systems applied to cultural heritage.

Technical Specifications of the equipment


Contact us:

3D Virtual Lab
Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Persona de contacte: Josep Fortuny
Tel: +34 93 726 17 69 / +34 93 586 87 65 / + 34 93 586 86 18



Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2024 15:10
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