ISPH 2011

02 Mar 2015
3091 times

First International Symposium on Paleohistology

ISPH 2011, July 18-20, Barcelona

The last few decades have brought about significant advances in bone and dental paleohistology, which is now an invaluable tool in reconstructing phylogenies, that increases our understanding of growth patterns and physiology, provides first insights into biological rhythms, and adds to our knowledge about the environmental context of physiological and life history traits.

The initiative to launch a series of symposiums on paleohistology came out of a request at the symposium on “Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: topics and problems”, held in Paris last June, and is motivated by the increasing need for bringing together different communities that have their own respective dissemination forums. It offers an important platform for international interchange where researchers with diverse approaches and methodologies can meet and exchange ideas on a wide range of topics related to vertebrate hard tissue biology.

Two main goals are the establishment of an International Society of Paleohistology and the inception of a biennial symposium in the area of vertebrate hard tissue biology.

We will strive for an informal atmosphere that is welcoming to graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and established researchers alike.

Join us in Barcelona for this inspiring new forum on paleohistology!

ISPH 2011 Convenors
Meike Köhler
Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont
Department of Paleobiology
Jorge Cubo
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Equipe Biomineralisations


  • Call for Abstracts opens on October 28, 2010 
  • Registration opens on November 15, 2010 
  • Call for Abstracts closes on March 15, 2011 
  • Acceptance/Rejection notices will be communicated by April 15, 2011
  • Early bird registration closes on April 30, 2011 
  • Regular registration closes on June 30, 2011




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