The ICP receives the “HR Excellence in Research” award

10 Apr 2018
1075 times

On 28 March 2018 the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) received the "HR Excellence in Research" award. This award and its logo reflect the ICP commitment to the policies and practices of The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers of the European Union.

The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers are addressed to researchers as well as to employers and funders in both the public and private sectors. They are key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth.

The ICP endorsed the Charter and Code in December 2016. During 2017, the ICP carried out an internal ‘gap analysis’ to evaluate the current degree of implementation of the forty principles included in the Charter and Code. On its basis, the ICP further elaborated an action plan including 25 specific actions devised to implement further the aforementioned principles. This process was carried out by an an ad hoc internal commitee and working group, with the participation of the ICP Researchers Commission, in which the various professional categories of researchers are represented.

In November 2017, the above-mentioned documents were submitted to the EU, which granted the “HR Excellence in Research” award on 28 March 2018. The implementation of the action plan will follow during the next years, being periodically monitored by the EU.

The ICP’s vision is to recognize researchers and other staff as essential contributors to the institution’s success by offering a supportive, encouraging and challenging working environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work-life balance. Particular emphasis will be put on the implementation of an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment policy for researchers.

Three of the most relevant initiatives included in the HRS4R Action Plan (2018–2020) of the ICP are outlined below:

  • To update the ICP Strategic Plan (2010–2013) available from the ICP website, stating the aims and scope of the various ICP research groups and more explicitly recognizing the significance of teaching and supervision. This action has already been completed, since the new ICP Strategic Plan (2018–2021) was already publicized in February 2018.
  • To improve, expand and translate the current ICP Plan of Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management, aiming to (a) promote equality in racial, ethnic or birth origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, political opinion, disability, age, or any other condition personal or social circumstances; and (b) promote equality and strengthen gender balance at selection and evaluation committees as well as supervisory, managerial and decision-making bodies of ICP. This includes initiatives to facilitate the combination of family and professional life.
  • To implement an adequate OTM-R (open, transparent and merit-based recruitment) policy for researchers, by mean of writing a “Strategy for the Professional Development of Researchers” that establishes a definite strategy for the professional development of researchers at the ICP, as well as by developing a “Protocol for the Evaluation, Internal Promotion and Recruitment of Researchers and Technicians” that regulates the principles that must rule the recruitment of new researchers as well as the career progression of ICP researchers (i.e., internal promotion).

Download the complete ICP Action Plan.

More information at

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 11:13
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