Sala de premsa (404)
Reconstruction of Struthiosaurus (Oscar Sanisidro / ICP) The study of the microstructure of the eggshell of Cairanoolithus conducted by Albert G. Sellés and Angel Galobart, both researchers at the Catalan Institute of Palaeontology Miquel Crusafont (ICP), reveals that this egg type does not belong to sauropod dinosaurs but to ankylosaurs,…
The researcher Miriam Perez de los Rios achieved an excellent “cum laude” for her doctoral dissertation describing the cranial and dental remains of the Miocene hominoid species from Vallès-Penedès basin with the aim to investigate their phylogenetic position. The work was directed by Salvador Moyà-Solà, director of the Catalan Institute…
Els pròxims 25 i 26 d'abril, la ciència envairà la plaça de les Glòries amb motiu del NOVUM 2015, el Festival de Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació de Barcelona. Enguany el centre neuràlgic del NOVUM es trasllada i convertirà el Disseny Hub Barcelona en un laboratori a l'aire lliure. La paleontologia…
Paradeta de llibres al Museu de l'ICP Per la Diada de Sant Jordi, la paradeta de l’ICP tornarà a omplir-se de llibres de paleontologia. Si encara no sabeu quin llibre regalar, enguany hi trobareu propostes per a totes les edats per descobrir l'apassionant món dels fòssils i l'evolució. Entre la…
Estado en el que ha quedado la zona afectada del Mirador (Àngel Galobart) La zona que exhibía huevos de dinosaurio del yacimiento musealizado del Mirador del Cretáceo (Coll de Nargó, Lleida) apareció ayer por la tarde completamente destrozada por la acción de un vándalo que destruyó todos los restos de…
Reconstrucción de Hypnomys / L.Meslin ( Una de las características que suelen presentar las especies de pequeños mamíferos que evolucionan en ambientes insulares es que son más grandes que sus homólogas de los continentes. Un estudio publicado en la revistaIntegrative Zoology por la investigadora del ICP, Blanca Moncunill, propone nuevos…
Cover of the book. IUPress / ICP Indiana University Press in association with ICP has just published "Dinosaurs of Eastern Iberia", a colorful introduction to the history and study of dinosaurs and an eye-opening survey of dinosaur discoveries in Spain. The book is a new publication of the series “Life…
Maria Rita Palombo at the institut. ICP The ICP was pleased to receive the visit of Maria Rita Palombo, a researcher at the Centro di Studio per il e l'Evoluzione Ambientalequaternary of di La Sapienza University in Rome and professor at the same institution. During the week she spent at…
Ratite egg in Valle Grande. Marco Antonio Sanchez-ICP ICP investigator Antonio Sanchez Marco and his team, funded by the Cabildo de Lanzarote and using the ICP, have completed excavations in search of an answer to the existence of giant birds on the island of Lanzarote. The research was presented today…
Uropsilus soricipes, desmanella current family. Courtesy of Samuel Turvey. Institute of Zoology Researchers from the ICP in collaboration with researchers from Andalusia have published the discovery of fossils of the genus Desmanella in Granada, the southernmost record in Eurasia of this kind of moles. The results of this study show…