Catalan Federation of Speleology

13 Feb 2015
6770 times

The Palaeontology Section at the Department of Ecology in the Catalan Federation of Speleology (FCE) aims to bring together speleology groups interested in palaeontology in subterranean environments and karsts, coordinate initiatives in the fields of palaeontology and vertebrate fauna, provide information on laws and regulations in these areas and promote informative publications and cave studies in reference to palaeontology, among others, the work by Dr. Josep Fernández de Villalta i Comella.

To fulfil these aims and as part of the agreement signed in February 2008, the 'Villalta' Section is collaborating with the Catalan Institute of Palaeontology Miquel Crusafont to efficiently manage vertebrate fauna discoveries recovered from caves and karsts. For many years now speleologists have collaborated with the Palaeontology Institute Miquel Crusafont, the predecessor of the ICP.

This collaboration arose due to the difficulty of determining certain remains in situ, which makes it necessary for other professionals to collaborate in order to assess the importance of the discovery. The ICP provides the appropriate personal when necessary to assist the speleologists as well as space at the ICP for making inventories and classifying and ordering materials.



Catalan Federation of Speleology

The Federation is the administrative entity that brings together over 50 Catalan speleology clubs, with a total of over 1,500 members. Its tasks include issuing licences, obtaining subventions for groups, collaborating in the acts organised by clubs, accident prevention and assisting rescue groups as well as providing information on speleological developments.

The FCE counts on the Department of Ecology and Protection of the Subterranean Environment created by Catalan speleology collectives to deal with the tasks involved in conserving and protecting the subterranean environment, its surroundings and natural and cultural values. Therefore, this department promotes learning and information activities to foster cultural and environmental awareness in relation to speleology, as well as coordinating, developing and managing cave conservation initiatives.

The work and/or advice of a multidisciplinary group are often necessary to fulfil the objectives. Therefore, the department and its sections are formed by speleologists that are also experienced professionals in the scientific fields of ecology, biology, palaeontology, geology, medicine and other technical disciplines. It is also open to contributions from other people and entities and to collaborating with public administration organisations with more authority in the preservation of the environmental and cultural heritage.
ol·laborar amb els organismes de l'Administració Pública amb competència superior en la preservació del medi natural i el patrimoni cultural.


Last modified on Friday, 13 February 2015 14:25
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