The Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) wishes to establish collaborations with companies who will contribute towards its mission of promoting research in human and vertebrate paleontology at its highest international level, the conservation of paleontological heritage and encourage the efficient transfer of knowledge and applicability to the society in general.

Looking to establish relationships based on trust and mutual benefit, the ICP requests the acceptance of the criteria listed in the present ethics code, by the companies that are interested in collaborating with its research, conservation and communication projects.

  • The collaborating companies declare to have a firm commitment with the universal declaration of human rights.
  • The companies’ activity and its capital is not directly involved with the manufacturing or commerce of weapons nor war material.
  • The collaborating entities respect official institutions and the democratic values and do not discriminate with regards to gender, race, religion, cultural identity nor sexual orientation.
  • The collaborating companies support the efficient use of the available natural resources, pollution prevention, a correct waste management and are in favour of the use of renewable energies, as well as adopting measures towards energetic efficiency.
  • The collaborating companies promote equal opportunity policies.
  • None of the collaborating companies carry out activities that constitute a direct, or indirect agression towards the paleontological heritage.
  • They all comply with the regulations in force regarding labour risk prevention in order to guarantee the safety and health at their work places.
  • The collaborating companies adopt transparency policies regarding their economical and financial management.


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Excellence in research

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CERCA Center:

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