11 febrer 2015
30505 times

The Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP), along with Transmitting Science and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, organises this Symposium to be held on 9th-10th of June in Madrid.

In July 2009 the first edition of the Iberian Symposium on Geometric Morphometrics took place in Sabadell, Barcelona. After 6 years we have decided to repeat the experience.

We consider that, now more than ever, the GM community of the Iberian Peninsula needs a meeting point for people to present their research and to grow their network.

Last time almost a hundred morphometricians met in Sabadell, so we hope this time we can beat this record and more of us will meet in Madrid for discussing all the applications, doubts and aspects of this fascinating method.

Information on the program, registration, contact, etc. is available in the official site of the Symposium

See you in Madrid!

Jesús, Markus and Sole


Jesus-Marugan-Lobon Soledad-De-Esteban-Trivigno

markus bastir

Jesús Marugán-Lobón
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
(Transmitting Science / ICP)
Markus Bastir
(Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales)



Last modified on Dilluns, 02 Mai 2016 11:55
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