Àrea de Recerca del Mesozoic

02 febrer 2015
11330 times

This group focuses on the paleobiodiversity and paleoecology of terrestrial ecosystems during the Mesozoic era (252-66 Ma), with emphasis on those time intervals best represented in the fossil record of Catalonia (bony remains, eggs and ichnites)—in particular, the last dinosaurs of Europe and associated faunas, in order to model the ecosystems of the Late Cretaceous before the K-T extinction that wiped out non-avian dinosaurs and other terrestrial vertebrates.

The composition of the Mesozoic Research Area is currently the following:

Dr. Àngel Galobart (Research Area Head)

Dinosaur Ecosystems Research Group:

  • Dr. Àngel Galobart (Research Group Leader, R4).
  • Dr. Albert Prieto-Márquez (‘Ramón y Cajal’ Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. Bernat Vila (Tenure-Track Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. Albert G. Sellés (Postdoctoral Researcher, R2).
  • Bernat Vázquez (FPI Predoctoral Researcher, R1)
  • Rafel Matamales-Andreu (PhD Student, R1).
  • Dr. Fabio M. Dalla Vecchia (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Nikolaus Malchus (Collaborator, R2).
  • Dr. Víctor Fondevilla (Collaborator, R2).
Last modified on Divendres, 23 Desembre 2022 12:31
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