Àrea de Recerca del Cenozoic

02 febrer 2015
10731 times

This group focuses on the paleobiodiversity, evolution and paleobiology of continental vertebrates from the Cenozoic era (66 Ma to present, incuding the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary periods), with emphasis on the rich fossil record of mammals from Catalonia and nearby areas. Particular efforts are devoted to research paleoenvironmental change through time by means of paleoecological and paleobiodiversity dynamics analyses (which is especially relevant in the light of current global climate change), as well as in the evolution of primates based on their fossil record (with emphasis on the origins of the great ape and human clade).

The composition of the Cenozoic Research Area and Research Groups is currently the following:

Dr. David M. Alba (Research Area Head)

Paleobiodiversity & Phylogeny Research Group:

  • Dr. David M. Alba (Senior Research Group Leader, R4).
  • Dr. Àngel H. Luján ('Beatriu de Pinós' Postdoctoral Researcher, R2).
  • Dr. Andrea Villa (‘Beatriu de Pinós’ Researcher, R3).
  • Kelly A. Vega Pagán (FI Predoctoral Researcher, R1).
  • Souzanna Siarabi (FI Predoctoral Researcher, R1).
  • Sharrah McKenzie (PhD Student, R1).
  • Maria Prat-Vericat (PhD Student).
  • Sara G. Arranz ('Investigo' Lab Technician & PhD Student, R1).
  • Dr. Massimo Delfino (Research Associate, R4).
  • Dr. Israel M. Sánchez (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Daniel DeMiguel (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Antonio Sánchez-Marco (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Juan Abella (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Arnau Bolet (Research Associate, R2).
  • Dr. Saverio Bartolini-Lucenti (Research Associate, R2).
  • Dr. Leonardo Sorbelli (Collaborator, R2).
  • Josep Aurell-Garrido (Collaborator, R1).
  • Jordi Balaguer (Collaborator, R1).
  • Clàudia Tura-Poch (Collaborator, R1).

Paleoecology & Biochronology Research Group:

  • Dr. Isaac Casanovas-Vilar (Junior Research Group Leader, R3).
  • Dr. Marc Furió (UAB Serra Húnter Lecturer, R3).
  • Dr. Ornella Bertrand (‘Beatriu de Pinós’ Researcher, R3).
  • Dr. Raquel Moya-Costa (‘Margarita Salas’ Postdoctoral Researcher, R2).
  • Montse Grau-Camats (PhD Student, R1).
  • Shubham Pal (PhD Student, R1).
  • Marc Misas-Alcántara ('Investigo' Lab Technician).
  • Dr. Valentí Rull (Research Associate, R4).
  • Dr. Chiara Angelone (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Jan van Dam (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Yuri Kimura (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Sílvia Jovells-Vaqué (Research Associate, R2)
  • Dr. Israel García-Paredes (Collaborator, R2).

Paleoprimatology & Paleoanthropology Research Group:

  • Prof. Salvador Moyà-Solà (Senior Research Group Leader & ICREA Research Professor, R4).
  • Dr. Judit Marigó (UAB 'Ramón y Cajal' Researcher pending formal ascription, R3).
  • Dr. Júlia Arias-Martorell (‘Beatriu de Pinós’ Postdoctoral Researcher, R2).
  • Florian Bouchet (FPI Predoctoral Researcher, R1).
  • Oriol Monclús-Gonzalo (FI Predoctoral Researcher, R1).
  • Georgina Raventós-Izard (FPI Predoctoral Researcher, R1).
  • Prof. Eric Delson (Research Associate, R4).
  • Dr. Sergio Almécija (Research Associate, R4).
  • Dr. Raef Minwer-Barakat (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Marta Pina (Research Associate, R3).
  • Dr. Alessandro Urciuoli (Research Associate, R2).
  • Dr. Joan Femenias-Gual (Collaborator, R2).


Last modified on Dijous, 21 Desembre 2023 17:59
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